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Chris Freter (40)

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What's happening @ BSM Cycling

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August 20, 2018
Test ride after a little love and care + new bridge is officially open Thursday. Let the KOM''s begin :D  2 mile errand
Got a kitchen pass to get out for a quick spin. The bike does a body good!  21 mile workout
August 19, 2018
PBS Sunday Morning Shop Ride - we got our first flat of the year. Still very fun ride with some new faces!  33 mile commute
Nice and easy on the way home from work. Went over the new train bridge. Looks like should soon be open for traffic.  11 mile commute
August 18, 2018
Zwift-Innsbruck-First time on the new course,lots of climbing! The rain outside has let up, so I am going to take a chance and ride to work.  6 mile indoors
Commute to on wet to starting to dry roads. See if I made the right choice for this evening.  9 mile commute
August 17, 2018
Zwift - Watopia - Yay....another rainy day. A little Zwifting before work.  12 mile indoors
August 16, 2018
Zwift - Watopia - Some Zwifting on a rainy day with a little help from Melvin.  22 mile indoors
August 15, 2018
Commute to work a little longer way. Trying to meander as much as I had time for.  18 mile commute
August 14, 2018
No efforts today, just for my mental well being. Apparently to save a baby snapping turtle as well.  33 mile social
August 12, 2018
PBS Sunday Morning Shop Ride and commute to work.  34 mile commute
Quick spin before dinner after a long day at work.  2 mile errand
August 10, 2018
Morning ride before the cold front rolls through with beast mode J.D. - J.D. is riding like he always has a tailwind. ;p  28 mile workout
And a little bit more to cool my legs down - Time for a little father-daughter time!!!!!!!!!!!  3 mile workout
August 9, 2018
Easy spin before this evenings group ride.  24 mile workout
Fell a sleep on the couch, missed the start of the ride of one for me. Made the best of it.  38 mile workout
August 8, 2018
Zwift - Watopia - a little virtual spin on a rainy day.  10 mile indoors
August 7, 2018
Quick ride before work. With the weather coming in later this afternoon, I figured commuting to work may not be a wise choice today.  21 mile workout
August 5, 2018
Home before the big scary cloud decided to give me a shower......or a slow and very tired commute home.  10 mile commute
PBS Sunday Morning Shop Ride + commute to work. We try to skirt around the Dublin Irish Festival.  36 mile commute
August 4, 2018
Cool, but very humid night commute home.  14 mile commute
Long way to work got shorten do to "HELP!" call from bossman. TT effort to PBS.  28 mile commute
August 2, 2018
Nice and easy on the way home - great way to unwind from a busy day.  12 mile commute
First commute to work in August. The year is going by fast.  8 mile commute
Good to be back in the saddle - quick spin before work  27 mile workout
July 30, 2018
Errand to Craig's to give a helping hand.  2 mile errand
July 29, 2018
PBS Sunday Morning Shop Ride. Great turnout and great ride!  25 mile workout
July 28, 2018
A little bit of PwP with a 25 minute effort, then a nice spin home before work.  20 mile workout
July 27, 2018
PBS Full Moon Ride - Great turn out - Thanks everyone for coming out and enjoying the night!  28 mile social
With only a few days left in the TdF, it is hard to pull myself away or a quickie before work.  20 mile workout